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Beach Deck

Week One

Mind-body Exercise 

Start your day Before breakfast

10 to 15 Minutes/Day

​1- Body Polarity Adjustment 

(Suggested time: 2 Minute)

2-Chigong- energy flow

(Suggested time: 5 to 8 Minutes)

3- Mind-body Power Breathing 

(Suggested time: 2 to 5 Minutes)

Your Daily

Body-Mind Work Out 

20 Minutes Body, 10 Minutes Meditation

4- Your daily body warm up/work out

5- Your daily Meditation

Bed Time

Listen to MINDOZONE music therapy

Your Daily Mindful Living Challenge

  • Day 1- Day 2: Regulate your emotion

  • Day 3- Day 4: Grounded Optimism 

  • Day 5- Day 6:

  • Day 7:

3-Anulom Vilom Pranayama Breathing

Sand Dunes

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

– Steve Mirabolic

Body Polarity
Polarity Alignment

Polarity Alignment

Lire la vidéo

1-Body Polarity


3-Anulom Vilom Pranayama Breathing

AVP Breathing
Notebook and Pen

“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior”

– Christina Baldwin

Intro for writingArtist Name
00:00 / 01:23

Writing ideas in Your Morning Journal

Write down the bellow affirmations:

  • Today is filled with opportunity.

  • I am grateful for my life.

  • I am filled with gratitude for another day.

  • I trust my inner wisdom.

  • I begin the day with peace and gratitude.

  • This day is filled with possibilities and potential.

  • I am feeling healthy and strong today.



Now write down;

  1. Three Things you're grateful for. List down everything you see and can think of right now that you're deeply thankful for. 

  2. Things that you can do to make today greater than yesterday 

  3. Find out 3 good things that happened yesterday, remember and feel as if it is happing right now. Close your eyes and review every part of that moment, like you are watching the recorded video of that event.  Draw one small object to remind you of that moment that can be a flower or a sun, anything that anchors to your memory if you like you can also add a word next to that as well. Keep that drawing save as you need to put it together at the end of the week like a poster tp represent and remind you the great moments and emotions of your week. 


5- Complete your day with a guided meditation

Now that your brain is full of oxygen and your body and mental energy have charged though out you morning practices and your body exercises now please drink some water and proceed to the next step of Heart Centering meditation. This meditation encourages a higher frequency to harmonize your mind and heart so that you can set your day with your full capacity.

Note: If during the day you get stressed out or low on energy you may do steps 2 and 3 and 4 again.

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